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"The Power of the Farmer's Mindset: How to Prioritize Work for Maximum Operational Control"
January 5, 2023 at 6:00 AM

This blog was originally posted on Linkedin on January 6th. If you would like to read it there, please click the link below and please like and share.

Have you ever felt like you’re running around in circles trying to get all your work completed?

Do you need help balancing the importance of one task over another?

As a leader, it can be difficult to prioritize the most important tasks and projects with the limited time available. But there is a way to ensure that everything gets done while still having time for yourself.

First and foremost, a farmer's mentality understands there is a business as usual (BAU) that is non-negotiable. These things need to happen repeatedly to make the business run. Therefore, always schedule enough time for BAU and give space for routine habits (particularly for well-being). These should be scheduled and/or work without resistance.

The secret of thinking like a farmer. Farmers understand that some tasks are more important than others, and they have mastered the art of prioritization. In this blog post, we explore how to apply the farmer's mindset to your team so that you can maximize their impact.

 The successful farmer understands three things well.

1.    They know how to prioritize. Their income depends on it

2.    They understand the difference between habits, tasks and projects

3.    They exercise patience with a sense of urgency

 First, when it comes to team performance, preparation is key. As the saying goes “fail to plan, plan to fail” and this is especially true in operations. Take time to think about what needs to be done, when they need to be completed, and by whom. Sounds simple, right? However, task management continues to be one of the highest growth sectors for new software because teams continue to get it wrong. It isn't the tech; it is the approach used. Most teams get bogged down when they treat a project like a task or the reverse. One pro tip you might consider is using something like the Eisenhower Matrix to help you prioritize and continue to prioritize.   

 Just like a farmer observes his crops and learns from his mistakes, you should also pay attention to your operations and learn from any errors or missteps. Experimentation can also help you find the best way of doing things. This can help minimize risk while still getting the job done quickly and efficiently.

 Nourishment is essential for the success of any operation. Just like a farmer needs good soil and enough water for his crops to thrive, your operations need proper resources for them to succeed. Focus on quality over quantity when it comes to resources and prioritize the most important tasks for success instead of trying to complete every single task at once.

 Finally, planting the seeds of success is great for reaching big goals with your management strategy. Start small by completing smaller tasks that will lead up to more complex tasks down the road. This will create momentum, carrying you forward until you reach your end goal.

By understanding the power of the farmer's mindset, you can start making smarter decisions today that will lead you and your team toward greater success tomorrow. Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency, and experiment with different solutions until you find ones that work best for your organization or project team. With these strategies in mind, operational efficiency and productivity can be achieved without sacrificing quality or time!